Storytelling honors for '19 Life-Changing Days in Ecuador'

Photos by Sean Curtis Patrick
Story photographer Sean Patrick being adorned in a woven headband by a little boy wearing sunglasses, which are too big for him and crooked on his face
Sean Curtis Patrick, left

The Council for the Advancement and Support of Education awarded Western a "Best in District VIII" award for our work highlighting the WWU Honors College's epic study abroad trip to Ecuador in 2022.

WWU storytellers John Thompson and Sean Curtis Patrick tagged along with the group of students and faculty—as Window magazine readers know from fall '22's "From the Amazon to the Galápagos." The trip to Ecuador was also featured in Western Today, social media, admissions publications and more.

Thompson's and Patrick's images and stories were compelling and gorgeous, but more importantly, they showcased a perfect example of the kind of learning environment Western is known for: powerful engagement opportunities, student-faculty mentorship, environmental exploration and personal connections.

Story author John Thompson wearing a life jacket in the front of a boat, looking out onto the water
John Thompson